For several years Ann has been working with women and men in Israel using her distinct approach - Radical Aliveness to bring about healing and to train individuals to use this process with others. She has been working in partnership with the women-led organization Beyond Words in serving their mission of empowering women, reducing prejudice, and building peace. http://www.beyondwords.org.il/
She is currently in Israel continuing this work:
I just finished 4 days with Beyond Words. The courageous work these Palestinian and Jewish women do together, releasing hate and fear and grief and coming back again and again to try to hear, see, and change is awesome. Even more awesome is that we invited men to join us for the last 2 days. To see their anger, their tears, their love- Beyond words. I feel so blessed to be part of this courageous group of people who are choosing another way in a land where that is such an ongoing difficult choice. I am praying that more and more people will do their work in rooms like this so they do not have to go out and hate and kill.