Saturday, January 22, 2011

After the 5-Day Radical Aliveness Workshop at Esalen

Dear Radical Aliveness Participants,

I am still sitting with the energy of all that we experienced. I want to remind you to take care of yourselves. Work like this opens things and always leaves one with a lot to think about and feel. Please reach out, get support if you need it.

Remember all the great things you did. Take them out into life- risk, reveal, tell the truth, take responsibility, sit in the fire.

That last afternoon is seared into my brain and heart- that is my vision for a better world. I have such an image of so many voices, bringing different perspectives, staying with a messy process, standing up for what felt true, bringing out your voices - helping to unfold a deeply healing and profound experience. No one held the truth- there was no right way- everyone was needed to find our way. This is what I want you to take most of all- you are needed to help unfold the deepest healing of this world. It takes courage, it takes patience, it takes a willingness to be uncomfortable- but look where we go when we all show up!

There is a quote which I can't quite remember but it goes something like this- "I am not afraid of the cruelty of humanity- that is not what will be the downfall of us- what I fear is the complacency- the blind acceptance of what is without questioning"

Thank you for your vulnerability, for the stepping into the not knowing, for standing up when you did know, for risking making messes, and for your willingness to see your responsibility in what gets created. I have so many memories of moments that brought such deep healing. You are in my heart.

